Your Voice and Strong Advocate for A Better Carlisle

A dynamic borough with a proud and rich history,  and a bright and positive future

 Principled Leader

Dedicated. Loyal. Determined.

I am a retired U.S. Air Force veteran, and former Department of Defense contractor. I spent 32+ years serving and protecting our nation before returning to Carlisle in 2021. Along my journey I gained a wealth of experience, learned many life lessons, both good and bad, lead diverse teams and operations both nationally and internationally, and interacted with people from around the globe. My life experience has given me a unique perspective, and forged me into the person I am today. I am down to earth, a loyal and principled leader, and a fighter who stands for our Country, Commonwealth, Borough, and its way of life. I am your voice and strong advocate for a better Carlisle, and will be dedicated to ensuring that you are heard, and represented!

22 203

Carlisle Population Estimate 2022

10.4% ↑

Growth from 2020 Census

15.5% - $52 098 - Carlisle
12.1% - $67 587 -  PA

 Poverty Rate - Median Income (2017-2021)

Vision for the Future

S.M.A.R.T. Growth without Political Agendas

I believe as Carlisle continues to grow it should learn from its rich history, past mistakes/missteps, and apply lessons learned as it looks to the future. Carlisle needs to understand that we can have growth while retaining our character and rich traditions, as well as preserving our inviting 'Small Town/Neighborhood' feel. We cannot make the mistake of strangling or stifling growth that will have a negative effect on Carlisle's vitality. Smart growth should be deliberate, thoughtful, sensible, and responsive to the citizens of Carlisle. Smart growth should benefit all citizens, and allow them to improve their quality of life. Smart growth should not involve political agendas or ideologies. 

Strategic growth that is efficiently Managed, remains Active while being Responsive to the citizens allowing Carlisle to Thrive!

Limited Government and Lower Taxes & Fees

I am a firm believer in what the founders intended, and the framers enshrined in the constitution; a limited government and minimal taxes. Too often local politicians raise taxes or enact fees (just another name for a tax increase) instead of looking at cuts, and reducing fraud, waste and abuse in government. Additionally, I believe in serving only one term before going back to private life as was intended by our founders. Serving long-term in politics (any office) breeds, and creates an environment ripe for corruption, and grift. All you have to do is look around at what's happening at the local, state, and national-levels.

Create an Advantageous Environment with Increased Economic Opportunities for Everyone in the Borough

I believe besides ensuring Carlisle has a solid infrastructure, and making it a safe and inviting place to live, the borough should be engaged in developing short, mid, and long-term plans to attract business, investment, and local, regional, and national partnerships to create opportunities for everyone in the borough. The borough must not settle for crumbs that are thrown our way but instead must think strategically, be proactive, and have a think 'BIG' mentality. The Borough must engage, and develop partnerships with the right organizations and businesses, that have strong values and morals. We must create a positive economic environment to lift our residents out of poverty, and cement a long-term quality of life improvement for everyone. The current poverty numbers are UNACCEPTABLE!

Vote James E Evans on November 7th, 2023

James E Evans

Republican Candidate for Carlisle Borough Council


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